
Recipe by : Monika

Ingredients :

  1. Oil
  2. Rai (Mustard seeds) 1tsp
  3. Jeera (Cumin seeds) 1tsp
  4. Garlic (3-4 sliced)
  5. Haldi (Turmeric powder) 1/2 tsp
  6. Red Chilli powder / Green Chillies depending on how spicy you want it
  7. Onion 1.5 medium approximately finely chopped
  8. Water (1.5 glass)
  9. Besan (Chickpea flour 1 cup)
  10. Salt to taste
  11. Coriander to garnish

Apparatus Required : Saucepan , whisk

Recipe :

  1. Heat oil in the pan and add the rai and jeera .
  2. As soon as the rai and jeera start to become golden brown, add the garlic and onion to the pan.
  3. Add green chilli or red chilli powder (whichever is available or according to taste) , turmeric and salt .
  4. Once the onion is slightly cooked and the oil starts leaving the sides add water and let it boil.
  5. Once the water has come to boil slowly start adding the besan while continuously whisking the contents of the pan to avoid formation of any lumps .
  6. The dish is ready when you reach a slightly runny consistency.
  7. Garnish with loads of coriander and lime.



  1. The main flavour of the dish comes from the garlic and the coriander adds oodles of flavour.
  2. This dish is perfect for a quick fix and can be eaten with both roti or steamed rice.
  3. Add a little bit of crunch by adding chopped raw onions on the side.


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